On our way home from Boardman in August the girls and I took a detour over the Columbia River to view this neat memorial, for Talyn and myself this was the first time seeing it, for my youngest daughter it was her 2nd or 3rd time, needless to say it was a neat experience.

A full size replica of the original stonehenge can be found in Washington State! It is a war memorial built in the early 1900's by a gentleman named Sam Hill. The find out more about the monument click
here to be directed to the site.

A beautiful view of the Columbia River

The center of the memorial.

Melanie (my daughter, the blond one) and her friend Talyn looking at the memorial plaque.

The dedication plaque on this American Stonehenge reads:
"In memory of the soldiers of Klickitat County who gave their lives in defense of their country. This monument is erected in the hope that others inspired by the example of their valor and their heroism may share in that love of liberty and burn with that fire of patriotism which death can alone quench."
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